As you can see i have given a tutorial to create Facebook Status Via Device in my previous post for Older Facebook Accounts.
And this is for a newer facebook accounts, as in newer facebook accounts the Facebook Developers Site is different from the older facebook accounts.
You might have seen many status updates of your friends in facebook, which shows from which device it was updated.
For example: via
Actually some people do not used real BlackBerry Smartphone, but it shows as they have updated a status from real BlackBerry Smartphone as via BlackBerry.
It's just a magic of customised status via device.
You too can create it and update status from your Status Via Device.
Now its time for you to create one for yourself !
Follow this simple steps to create Facebook Status Via Device:
1. First of all you need to Login to your facebook account, after that go to facebook developers site
There you'll be ask to Register as a developer, to continue just click on Register as a Developer
After clicking on Register as a Developer you'll be ask to complete
three simple steps then you'll become a
Finally you'll be able to Create an App.
2. On top bar of the Facebook Developers Site you'll find
Apps, just click on that and click on
Create New App
3. After clicking on Create New App, a new pop up will appear in that you have to enter App Name, App Namespace and Select the App Category.
You don't have to provide an App Namespace for this simple Status Via App, if you still choose to provide an app namespace then give an unique App Namespace for your App.
After that click on Create App
4. Now input the Security Captcha and Click on
5. Your App has been created, now go to
Status & Review
6. On the right side of the Status & Review, you'll find a question:
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to general public?
Just change No to Yes
As when you update a status from your Status Via Device your status will not be visible to your friends so it is necessary to
Turn On the visibility of you App by switching from
No to
7. After that go to
App Details
8. You have to upload an App Logo and App Icon
The image size required for App Logo is 1024x1024 and for the App Icon is 16x16.
If you don't want to upload an App Logo and App Icon then you can skip this step.
9. After uploading an App Logo and App Icon it will look like this.
Finally click on
Save Changes
10. Now go back to Dasboard
And now your App Logo has appeared on your App Dashboard.
And the App Icon will appear on the bottom of the Feed Dialog.
11. Now copy your App I.D, you'll find your App I.D from the Dasboard itself.
Replace Paste_Your_App_ID_here with your App ID.
For Example:
Copy and paste above url in your browser url bar and make sure you have replace the App ID with your App ID.
Finally follow that url.
12. After following the above url, you'll get a Feed Dialog to update status (as shown in the below).
Now update some status with your Staus Via Device.
Enjoy !!
Title : How to Create Facebook Status Via Device (For Newer Facebook Accounts)
Description : As you can see i have given a tutorial to create Facebook Status Via Device in my previous post for Older Facebook Accounts. And this is ...